- 128 STR’s in Ward 2 (8600 residences)
- 841 STRs in the City (72,000 residences)
- 285 or so non-owner occupied STR’s in the City
- 634 unique hosts
- 82% of hosts have one listing
Of the approximately 285 non-owner occupied houses/units, 202 (or so) have long-term rental potential. When we create a registry program, we’ll have more accurate data.
I think it’s a good ITEA* that the Eugene City Council created an ad-hoc committee to review STR’s and make recommendations for changes in City Policy. I’m curious to see what the committee brings forth.
I do think the industry needs to be regulated. As your City Councilor, I will fight for that Transient room Tax from this part of the tourism sector be remitted into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF), to add to the Construction Excise Tax, which currently generates about $1million/year, and is due to sunset. Another $3million/year from TRT into this fund would allow us to make some real head way more quickly on housing the most vulnerable among us. Monies from the AHTF fund are dedicated to affordable housing and homeless programs.
I’ve written Guest Views and Letters to the Editor on this topic. See ‘Kate in the News’ on this website.
*ITEA = Inclusion. Transparency. Equity. Accountability