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Meet Kate

I’ve lived in the Eugene area for over thirty years, seventeen of them in South Eugene’s Ward 2. My two now grown children were educated in the 4J School District. They received their undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Oregon.

In addition to my most important and valuable job as Mom and Homemaker, I ran a successful consultancy. As a principal consultant of Davidson Strategies, I helped dozens of organizations successfully meet community needs. I effectively worked with non-profits, government agencies, and private companies to conduct community engagement, grant-writing, capital campaigns, donor and volunteer recruitment and retention. I facilitated strategic, fund, outreach planning processes and retreats; and board and volunteer trainings and retreats.

I hold a B.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Colorado at Boulder. I pursued a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Management at the University of Oregon, where I also accomplished upper level coursework at the Lundquist College of Business. In a New Venture Planning course, I wrote a compelling business plan for a start-up, The OMbrella, which I launched, then managed for ten years.

In 2018, I worked with Sponsors Inc., providing them with a professional outreach plan for their Mentorship Program, which I then executed, recruiting over eighty people from the community to mentor people with criminal histories who want and deserve a second chance.

My resume includes:

Elected Chair of the Southeast Neighbors Neighborhood Association, located in Ward 2. With 13,500 residents, SEN is Eugene’s second largest NA.

Appointed to and chaired the Lane County Stabilization Task Force, assessing whether and how the county could or should create a county-wide taxing district for public safety services.

As Chair of the Human Services Commission Budget and Planning Committee, and as Chair of the City of Eugene Community Development Block Grant Committee, I facilitated the creation of funding priorities and criteria, which contributed to the robust and stable human services network we experience in Lane County today.

Appointed to the City of Eugene Budget Committee where I helped establish the city’s funding priorities.

Board Member, Fund-raising committee lead of the School Garden Project.

Director, Lost Valley Educational Center.

Director, Cascade Foothills Library.

Development Director, LEAD.

Development Manager, SMART.

Development and Grants Manager, Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force.

As Co-founder, then Coordinator of Lane Library League, I was instrumental in helping to pass the Creswell Library District, providing library services to  8,000 people.

In addition to changing the landscape of library services in Lane County, I assisted in the creation of a comprehensive system of woody biomass utilization in Klamath and Lake Counties. Along with establishing strong lines of communication between myriad systems and personalities, I secured hundreds of thousands of dollars through federal, state, and county sources to fund the vision for sound forest management practices combined with economic growth, developed through collective leadership.

The above is a snippet of my training and credentials.

“Kate is a dynamic, smart neighborhood leader who not only listens but hears and informs. I know she will serve us well on the Eugene City Council”.

J.R. – Resident of Ward 2

Jesse Jackson with Danaan in 1992
Jesse Jackson and Danaan at Jerry Brown rally 1992
Kate and Friends
Kate (SEN Chair) with son and friends at the Southeast Neighbors Annual Picnic 2019
3 Generations of Powerful Women: Gramma Mary, Bridget, Kate. South Eugene HS Graduation 2012
3 Generations of Powerful Women: Gramma Mary, Bridget, Kate. South Eugene HS Graduation 2012
Francis on the Ridgeline Trail
Francis on the Ridgeline Trail

Here is why I’m qualified to serve as an exceptional City Councilor for South Eugene’s Ward 2:

I genuinely care about people. I’m firmly grounded in the recognition and reality that local government’s role is to represent and involve citizens in determining local public needs and how these needs can be met.

I have a long history of forging community partnerships. Listening. Effectively involving stakeholders. Determining needs. Planning how those needs can be met. Successfully facilitating the execution of  stakeholders’ plans and goals.

Since 2008, people have been asking me when I’m going to run for South Eugene’s Ward 2 City Council. The answer is now.

I have the leadership experience it takes to be a highly effective City Councilor.

This is a grassroots non-partisan campaign. I need you, the people of South Eugene’s Ward 2, to win this council seat.

Send me to the Eugene City Council, and I’ll address the sense of disconnection that has grown over the years between our neighborhoods and city government. Send me to city council and together we’ll re-invent and foster that sense of belonging that is so important to a community. Send me to city council and I’ll ensure we co-create effective public policy on issues that affect us. This is my pledge to you.

I want to hear from you! Feel free to call: 541-337-9276 or email:

You can donate on-line, or mail your contributions to:

Elect Kate Davidson
P.O. Box 50574
Eugene OR 97405

A word about the bird


The emblem you see on the campaign material is a wren. Wrens are prevalent to North America and our South Eugene environment. They have qualities reminiscent of us Eugeneans. Courageous and smart. Artfully synchronized bold, complex, melodious songs. Resourceful and industrious. Housing is important to wrens, who build, often in less that a day, intricate, sturdy domes. The wren is often referred to as ‘small but mighty’.

Help Elect Kate Davidson – The Bold Voice For South Eugene!



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